Thursday, April 7, 2011

Advice On Getting Your Boyfriend Back

There is a lot of advice on getting your boyfriend back that you can find, some of it is good but most of it is lame. Does it really sound like a good idea to beg him to take you back? It doesn't sound good to me.

Other people will advise you to play games and try to make him jealous and though that may work, do you really want a relationship based on jealousy? Before you say you don't care remember that this type of relationship will not last. As soon as your guy knows he has you back or as soon as the old problems start to surface again your relationship will be over, again.

Apologizing can carry a lot of weight and especially so if the break up was caused through something you did. That is not to suggest that you are to blame for the way things turned out and that he has no responsibility but chances are you must have done some things wrong. An apology cannot hurt.

Another benefit of acknowledging your mistakes is that it will give you a chance to make changes. That way if you and your guy do get back together you won't just repeat the same mistakes all over again and continue to cause each other pain.

Apologizing alone is a very beneficial thing to do even if it does not have the desired result of a reunion between the two of you. At the very least you will have learned what you should not do in your next relationship. By figuring out your mistakes and making the changes you will find this is a win-win situation.

When you do contact him to apologize, keep it short and sweet. Tell him you realize you made some mistakes and that you are truly sorry for any pain you may have caused him.

Do not resort to crying and begging and do not go into it with grand expectations of him taking you back right on the spot. It could be that he won't. He may need time to mull it all over and make up his mind about whether or not he wants to try again even with the new and more mature version of you.

Let him have his space if he doesn't immediately agree to a reconciliation. Leave him alone for a while and let him have the time he needs to make up his mind about what he wants to do. If you keep nagging him you will invariably worsen the situation.

While you let him have his space get on with your own life. Don't hang around waiting for his call. Take time out for yourself to do things that make you feel good. Get a make-over so you look your absolute best and spend time with your friends. Sitting around and worrying is only going to make time move slower and frustrate you more.

Following the above advice will stand you in much better stead when it comes to getting your man back again rather than following the advice to play games and make him jealous. Ultimately it is all up to you so go do it!

If you would like more information on getting back an ex check out Magic of Making Up.

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